Welcome to the Surati Muslim Khalifa Society – Leicester



The community elders, who immigrated to UK, underwent some hardship in that the climate conditions were completely different to the one they were used to. Also, there was the language barrier as majority of the elders were alien to the English language. 

However, the government’s socio-financial assistance system was of an immense assistance to the community as they were in receipt of nominal financial assistance until they were in employment. Generally, the employment which the community took up was of labouring nature. After an initial turbulent period, the community finally began to come to terms with the new ways of life in the UK and started settling down. 


It must be emphasized that the inherent quality of love and brotherhood amongst the community members continued in the UK. To this end, there were frequent visits to relatives especially in the event of illness and hardship at weddings etc.

About Us 

The SMKS Leicester Society was formed by predominantly people who came from Kenya, and about 10% from India with the first members arriving back in 1964 from Kenya and then onwards, after having a total of approximately 30 members the Society was established in 1970. 

As the community extended there was a need to carry on with some of the sports tradition from their days in Kenya, this enabled us to recreate community cohesion amongst our members, unity and brotherhood. 

Our Facilities

Wudhu & Prayers

Catering Equipment Hire

Function Room

Meeting & Conference